SAPOR | Statistics, Applied Probability and Operational Research


The group of Statistics, Applied Probability and Operational Research is composed of 13 PhD members, 6 PhD students and 4 scholarships.

The members of this group have collaborations with external researchers and work in a wide variety of topics on statistic, probability and operational research. The team work is strongly motivated by multidisciplinary applications, involving areas such as Engineering, Biology, Environment and Health Sciences.  The main research areas include Continuous and Mixed-integer Nonlinear Programming, Extreme Value Theory, Global Optimization, Modelling, Multivariate Analysis, Non and Semi-parametric Inference, Spatial and Temporal Data Analysis, and Stochastic Processes.


PHD Members

Non PHD Members

Useful Links

Last Publications

Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation | 2020

Gustavo Soutinho

Pedro Oliveira

41st Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics | 2020

Ana Paula Amorim

Emilia Athayde

Marta Susana Ferreira

A. Manuela Gonçalves

Raquel Menezes

Maria Conceição Serra

Artery Research | 2020

Alexandre Carneiro

Pedro Cunha

Armando Mansilha

Isabel Vila

Cristina Cunha

Cristina Silva

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