Lucile Arlette Guilaine Vandembroucq

Assistant Professor

University of Minho
(+351) 253604085

My research area is Algebraic Topology. My interests include the study of numerical homotopy invariants such as the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category and Farber's Topological Complexity as well as the study of algebraic models of topological constructions in the framework of rational homotopy theory.


Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society | 2016

J.G. Carrasquel-Vera

Topology and its Applications | 2014

J.G. Carrasquel-Vera

J.M. García-Calcines

Journal of the London Mathematical Society | 2010

J. Garcia-Calcines

Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures | 2008

Hans Scheerer

Daniel Tanré