Conceição Veloso Nogueira

Adjunct Professor

Polytechnic Institute of Leiria
(+351) 244203211

Professor in the Mathematics Department at the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria since 2004.

PhD in Sciences (Mathematics: Algebra - Finite Semigroups) by the University of Minho.

His main research interests are: Theory of Finite Semigroups; Theory of Automata and Formal Languages; Mathematical Modeling in the Health and Industrial Sector.


Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering | 2022

A. Borges

F. Duarte

I.C. Lopes

L. Vicente

M. Cruz

C. Poço

Studies in Computational Intelligence | 2021

N. Spolaôr

R. Fonseca-Pinto

A.I. Mendes

L.A. Ensina

W.S.R. Takaki

A.R.S. Parmezan

International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science | 2021