

Electronic Journal of Combinatorics | 2008

A. F. Santos

C.P. Avelino

A.F. Santos

Proceedings of the 11th Esaform Conference on Material Forming | 2008

Júlio C. Viana

António J. Pontes

A. Gaspar-Cunha

International Series of Numerical Mathematics | 2007

J.F. Rodrigues

Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática | 2007
Applied Mathematics and Computation | 2007

Z. Liu

R. Ralha

Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra | 2007

R.E. Hartwig

FREE BOUNDARY PROBLEMS: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS Book Series: International Series of Numerical Mathematics Volume: 154 Pages: 231- + Published: 2007 | 2007
Figueiredo, Isabel Narra (ed.) et al., Free boundary problems. Theory and applications (FBP 2005), Basel: Birkhäuser (ISBN 3-7643-7718-6/hbk). ISNM. International Series of Numerical Mathematics 15 | 2007

Isabel Figueiredo

José Rodrigues

Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications | 2007

F. Oliveira

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical | 2007

G.M. Kremer

M.P. Bianchi

Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment | 2007

G.M. Kremer

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) | 2007

R. Matthes

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications | 2007

T. Faria

ORM2007, V Moscow International Conference on Operations Research | 2007

J. M. Moguerza

A. Olivares

F. J. Prieto

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) | 2007
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) | 2007
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) | 2007
WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications | 2007

E.M.G.P. Fernandes

Theoretical Population Biology | 2007

P. Haccou

AIP Conference Proceedings | 2007

D. Constales

R.S. Kraußhar

AIP Conference Proceedings | 2007

E. Monteiro

A. Rouboa

Archiv der Mathematik | 2007

D. Constales

R.S. Krausshar

IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems | 2007

R. Soares

E. Bicho

T. Machado

2007 IEEE 6th International Conference on Development and Learning, ICDL | 2007

A. Mukovskiy

F. Chersi

E. Bicho

Actas del IX Congreso Dr. António A. R. Monteiro | 2007
Fifth European Summer University on the History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education, ESU 5, 2007 | 2007

C. Costa

M. Nascimento

In Fifth European Summer University on the History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education, ESU 5, 2007, Praga | 2007
Quadrante, Revista de Investigação em Educação Matemática 16, 1: 147 - 162 | 2007

C. Costa

In Proceedings of ElementaryMathematics Education, 2nd International Meeting - EME06 - (Elementary Mathematical Education), Isabel Vale, José Portela, (eds.), Viana do Castelo | 2007

C. Costa

M. Nascimento

General Relativity and Gravitation | 2007

S. Brian Edgar

Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine | 2007

C. Cadarso-Suárez

J. De Uña-Álvarez