

Applied Mathematics Letters | 2010

H.R. Malonek

Pure Mathematics and Applications (PU.M.A.) | 2010
Central European Journal of Mathematics | 2010

R.P. Sullivan

Journal of Difference Equations and Applications | 2010

P. Maroni

2010 3rd IEEE RAS and EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, BioRob 2010 | 2010

M. Pinheiro

E. Bicho

4th International Conference on Cognitive Systems, CogSys 2010 | 2010

E. Bicho

M. Hulstijn

Y. Maas

L. Louro

N. Hipolito

E.C. E Silva

Mathematical Inequalities and Applications | 2010

N. Bebiano

R. Lemos

J. Da Providěncia

Linear Algebra and Its Applications | 2010

R. Lemos

N. Bebiano

J. Da Providência

Encontro dos Algebristas Portugueses | 2010

J. Da Providência

N. Bebiano

R. Lemos

WCE 2010 - World Congress on Engineering 2010 | 2010

L. Canto E Castro

Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference | 2010

L. Canto e Castro

Revista de Letras, 9: 271 - 283 | 2010

M. Nascimento

C. Costa

5ECM - European Congress of Mathematics, In 5ECM - European Congress of Mathematics, Amesterdão | 2010
History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education of ESU 6 – Sixth European Summer University, Viena. | 2010
History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education of ESU 6 – Sixth European Summer University | 2010

C. Costa

M. Nascimento

Quadrante - Revista de Investigação em Educação Matemática 9, 1: 93 - 113 | 2010

C. Costa

M. Nascimento

R. Fernandes

I Congreso de Docencia Universitaria, In La innovación educativa en el contexto actual de la educación superior, Vigo | 2010

C. Costa

Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2010

S.B. Edgar

M. Bradley

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C: Applied Statistics | 2010

P.J. Diggle

T.-L. Su

Journal of Nonparametric Statistics | 2010

P. García-Soidán

C. Ferreira


Rui M. S. Pereira

Irene Brito

Gaspar J. Machado

Estelita Vaz

Maria Flores

Jorge Manuel Figueiredo

Annales Henri Poincare | 2010

J. Natário

P. Tod

Psychotherapy Research | 2010

I. Mendes

A.P. Ribeiro

L. Angus

L.S. Greenberg

M.M. Gonçalves

Journal of Nonparametric Statistics | 2010

J. De Uña-Álvarez