


A. M Almeida

Manuel F. M. Costa

P. A. S. Pereira

Mario Zamith Silva

Paulo Idalino Balça Varela

Marta Isabel Bessa Marques

European Commission Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development | 2014

Marta Isabel Bessa Marques

P. J. Machado

Paulo Idalino Balça Varela

Mario Zamith Silva

A. M. Almeida

Manuel F. M Costa

Integral Equations and Operator Theory | 2014

M.C. Câmara

Journal of Statistical Software | 2014

A. Araújo

J. Roca-Pardiñas

Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics | 2014

M. Mars

R. Vera

Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology | 2014

A. Alho

Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics | 2014

A. García-Parrado

F. Moura

E. Vaz

Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision | 2014

Pedro Duarte

Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik | 2014

J. Viaño

J. Figueiredo

Á. Rodríguez-Arós

Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2014 | 2014

Maria Soares

Maria Athayde

Environmental science and pollution research international | 2014

Piairo H

Menezes R

Figueira R

Sérgio C

Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift | 2014

Held L

Menezes R

Psychotherapy Research | 2014

A.P. Ribeiro

I. Mendes

W.B. Stiles

L. Angus

M.M. Gonçalves

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment | 2014

L. Margalho

R. Menezes

Psychotherapy | 2014

J. Coutinho

E. Ribeiro

J.D. Safran

Psychotherapy Research | 2014

D. Alves

P. Fernández-Navarro

J. Baptista

E. Ribeiro

M.M. Gonçalves

Journal of Affective Disorders | 2014

R.T. Lopes

M.M. Gonçalves

D.B. Fassnacht

P.P.P. Machado

Supportive Care in Cancer | 2014

J.M. Martinez

D. Pereira

S. Chacim

E. Mesquita

Â. Martins

T. Azevedo

END 2014 - International Conference on Education and new Developments | 2014

A., Rodrigues

AP Aires

H. Campos

A.P. Aires

Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics | 2014

University of Western Australia) R. P. Sullivan (School of Mathematics and Statistics

JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications | 2014

Paulo Vasco

Computational Statistics | 2014

Jacobo De Uña-Álvarez

Ingrid Van Keilegom

8th International Conference on Partial Least Squares and Related Methods-Paris, France | 2014
New Perspectives in Statistical Modeling and Data Analysis | 2014

R. Oliveira

R.M. Vasconcelos

E. Freitas

S. Faria

J.R.M. Oliveira

A.M.A.C. Rocha

9th OpenFOAM Workshop | 2014

Luís Ferrás

O. Pozo

J. M. Nóbrega

9th OpenFOAM Workshop | 2014

J. M. Nóbrega

A. Rajkumar

Luís Ferrás

F. Habla

O. Hinrichsen

J. Guerrero

6.º Encontro Luso-Brasileiro de História da Matemática | 2014

Samuel Gessner

Carlos Sá

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | 2013
Construction and Building Materials | 2013

Y. Ding

Z. Chen

Z. Han

F. Pacheco-Torgal

Nanotechnology in Eco-Efficient Construction: Materials, Processes and Applications | 2013

Z. Chen

Y. Ding

F. Pacheco-torgal

Linear and Multilinear Algebra | 2013

X. Mary

Linear and Multilinear Algebra | 2013

L. Lebtahi

N. Thome