

4th International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation: Developments and Applications - SYMCOMP 2019 | 2019

Maria Irene Falcão

Ricardo Severino

Maria Joana Soares

Robot 2019: Fourth Iberian Robotics Conference | 2019

Ana Cunha

Wolfram Erlhagen

Emanuel Sousa

Luís Louro

Paulo Vicente

Sérgio Monteiro

19th International Workshop on Numerical Methods for Non-Newtonian Flows | 2019

S.A. Faroughi

G.H. McKinley

J. Nóbrega

Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering | 2019

S.A. Faroughi

O.S. Carneiro

J.M. Nóbrega

G.H. McKinley

Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering | 2019

João Pedro

João Romero

Ricardo Costa

João Nóbrega

14th OpenFOAM Workshop | 2019

S.A. Faroughi

O.S. Carneiro

J.M. Nóbrega

G.H. McKinley

Computational and Applied Mathematics | 2019

Z. Liu

S. Chen

W. Xu

Linear and Multilinear Algebra | 2019

S. Furtado

C.R. Johnson

Special Matrices | 2019

A.V.D. Costa

J.M.S. Simões-Pereira

Magazine of Concrete Research | 2019

D. Li

Y. Ding

Q. Wang

Y. Zhang

Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing | 2019

A.V. Da Costa

J.M.S. Simões-Pereira

Rita Rb-Silva

Cláudia Nóbrega

Cecília Azevedo

João Canto-Gomes

Ivo Ferreira

Rémi Cheynier

Frontiers in Immunology | 2019

R. Rb-Silva

C. Nobrega

E. Athayde

J. Canto-Gomes

I. Ferreira

R. Cheynier

Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas | 2019

Huihui Zhu

Proceedings of the 2019 22nd International Conference on Process Control, PC 2019 | 2019

T.-P. Azevedo-Perdicoulis

F. Perestrelo

Moscow Mathematical Journal | 2019

J.C. Rebelo

H. Reis

Clinical Medicine Insights: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders | 2019

B. Pombo

L. Costa

Proceedings - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, BIBM 2018 | 2019

C. Fernandes

L. Fonseca

M. Gago

L. Costa

N. Sousa

C. Ferreira

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A | 2019

A.L. Cartaxo

A.R. Costa-Pinto

A. Martins

V.M.F. Gonçalves

M.E. Tiritan

H. Ferreira

Journal of Manufacturing Processes | 2019

G. Miranda

F. Bartolomeu

E. Pinto

N. Alves

N. Peixinho

M. Gasik

Nanomaterials | 2019

Elisa Bacelo

Marta Silva

Cristina Cunha

A. Carvalho

Rui Reis

Albino Martins

Third Tübingen Conference on Proof-Theoretic Semantics | 2019
Journal of Polymer Engineering | 2019

Célio Fernandes

Florian Habla

Olga Sousa Carneiro

João Miguel Nóbrega

Fluid Flow Problems | 2019

Maria L. Morgado

Magda Rebelo

Rosalía T. Leiva

António Castelo

Gareth H. McKinley

Alexandre M. Afonso

Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport | 2019

A.R. Gomes

O. Dias

C. Morais

Urban Science | 2019

Cristina Matos

António Cunha

Francisco Pereira

Elisabete Silva

Sandra Pereira

I. Bentes

Flora José Rocha Ferreira

Estela Bicho

Wolfram Erlhagen

Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation | 2019

S. Shahriari

A. Manuela Gonçalves

Applied Mathematics and Computation | 2019

Alexander Guterman

Rute Lemos

Pharmaceutical Supply Chains - Medicines Shortages | 2019

Aida Batista

João Luís De Miranda

Classificação e Análise de Dados - Métodos e Aplicações III -CLADMAP III | 2019
34th InternationalWorkshop on Statistical Modelling (IWSM 2019) | 2019
34th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling (IWSM 2019) | 2019
34th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling (IWSM 2019) | 2019
Physical Review D | 2019

Sante Carloni