

Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics | 2019

S.A. Faroughi

O.S. Carneiro

J. Nóbrega

G.H. McKinley

3rd CFDEM conference | 2019

S.A. Faroughi

O.S. Carneiro

J.M. Nóbrega

G.H. McKinley

Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics | 2019

V. Vukčević

T. Uroić

R. Simoes

O.S. Carneiro

H. Jasak

J.M. Nóbrega

OPENFOAM(R) | 2019

Ananth Rajkumar

Luis L. Ferras

Olga S. Carneiro

Alberto Sacramento

J. Miguel Nobrega

OpenFOAM® | 2019

Manoel S. B. Araujo

Luís L. Ferrás

J.* Miguel Nóbrega

J.*. Corresponding author: Miguel Nóbrega

Polymer Engineering and Science | 2019

A. Rajkumar

F. Habla

S. Mould

A. Sacramento

O.S. Carneiro

J.M. Nóbrega

Journal of Theoretical Biology | 2019

L. Edelstein-Keshet

J.A. Mackenzie

S. Portet

A. Madzvamuse

ICERI Proceedings | 2019

Paulo Barbosa