

Polytechnic of Leiria | -

The Seventh Workshop New Trends in Quaternions and Octonions - NTQO…

University of Coimbra | - | 14:00

This is the third edition of the Women in Mathematics Meeting in…

Universidade do Minho, Guimarães |

The Meeting on Survival Analysis is organized by the CMAT-SAPOR of…

Athens, Greece | -

Computational and Applied Mathematics  (CAM2023)…

Seminar Room of the Department of Mathematics… |

This is the first edition of the Workshop in Complex Fluids and…

Anfiteatro da Escola de Ciências, Edifício 6,… | -
Lab4, Departamento de Matemática, Campus de… | -

The ALC Meeting 2022 is organized by the research group Algebra,…

University of Beira Interior | -

The Sixth Workshop New Trends in Quaternions and Octonions - NTQO…